28. Sep, 2017

Composting dog poo

 Dog poo can be composted at home  provided  the correct precautions are followed using hot composting techniques or a dog poo wormery .

  • Hot composting  needs  to be maintained at the correct temperature if a traditional hot composting system or a modern insulated and enclosed system such as the Hotbin.
  • Dog poo wormery  a dedicated wormery devoted to faeces from dogs that are regulaily wormed
  • or if only occasional small amounts  a  Green Cone food digester can be used. 

The resultant compost may be used on a flower garden.  More information and safety precautions ares available at Dog & Cat Poo

17. Sep, 2017

Composting in a bag

Making compost in a sealed plastic refuse or old compost bag is a simple and relatively quick method of dealing with spent compost and kitchen waste during the autumn and winter. The process involved is anaerobic rather than aerobic composting and as it produces methane, a greenhouse gas,   I would not recommend it the main composting method where a significant amount of garden or food waste is produced.  However it can be used where there is  no garden space for a conventional bin  and to deal with spent compost from bot plants. It is also recommended for dealing  kitchen waste during the winter when the "cold" compost bin will be inactive where the composter does not want to buy a Bokashi bin. There is more information at Composting in a bag

9. Sep, 2017

Autumn compost tasks

Autumn is also considered by some as the best time to  start composting as the  tidying and  cleaning up of the  garden in readiness for winter  provides plenty of material, and hopefully, the bin  will have time  get into its stride before the worst of the cold weather.

Autumn  is recommended to apply compost as a mulch it can be applied both to   established beds and around specimen plants. Compost can also be used as a mulch to top dress the lawn in the autumn when people are less likely to worry about the look of the lawn.

Whether starting a new bin or operating an existing one getting it decomposing well throughout the autumn and early winter, if the weather is kind, will help to provide a good crop of compost in the spring.

To help speed the composting process it is a good idea to increase the surface area of waste added to the bin in the autumn, even if it is not usually shredded for the rest of the year.  If the  material  is soft , and a shredder is not alvailable, it can be put on the lawn and run over with the lawn mower.

As there is likely to be a lot of material available at this time of year,  if it is not practical to start a second bin, store it in a covered pile. It is important to keep the pile dry, as dry material will heat up in a bin more quickly than wet. Material being saved in the autumn for use as bulking agent in food composting e.g. sawdust or composted wood chip used should also be kept dry. (I keep mine in plastic dustbins)  

 September is the time to compost the  dead (or dying) summer flowers, material from the last of the summer vegetables,  including the plants themselves, e.g. beans, globe artichokes, tomatoes and peppers and those cropping during the autumn e.g. marrow squashes,, leeks and main crop potatoes.

In the UK continue harvesting comfrey  until late September when it should be left uncut for the leaves to die of naturally.

In October, any remaining summer crops can be composted along with potato helms and beetroot tops as they are lifted. Any remaining climbing bean, pea or tomato plants can be chopped into small pieces for composting as the supports are taken down.

Squashes, pumpkins can be harvested and the plants chopped and composted. Carved pumpkins can be composted after Halloween  Go to Composting Pumpkins

Annual weeds can be composted if the allotment is to be dug, manured and left for the winter.  

31. Aug, 2017

Composting Apples and Apple Pulp

As it is becoming customary to celebrate the apple harvest by holding Apple Days including the pressing of apples to make juice I felt it might be useful to expand the advice on composting apples. 

 Any composter who does not have their own fruit trees or access to the pulp from an apple day may find that the local allotment, community garden, local park or farmer with a small orchard may be happy to allow the collection of  bruised or rotting windfalls. In towns a local juice bar may be pleased to have the pulp removed for free. The revised page includes sections on Hot and cold composting of apples and apple pulp,as well as the use of pulp in wormeries 

16. Aug, 2017

Sacks for compost made on community composting sites

Can anyone help a UK community group who are looking for sacks in which to keep  30l ammounts of finished compost waiting to be issued to their members. The sacks should be made of natural fibre (or recycled  plastic) and be strong enough to store the compost for up to 3 years before it is used.