28. Apr, 2020

Composting Coffee Grounds & Chaff

The Carry on Composting page on the composting coffee grounds and Chaff at http://www.carryoncomposting.com/443725798 has been updated. A summary is given below but does not include the section on wormeries or Bokashi. 

In composting terms coffee grounds are a “green”  providing  nitrogen to the  compost with a C:N ratio of about 20:1.  Coffee also provides up to 2% potassium as well as phosphoric acid  and potash. On the negative side,  a search of the internet will show that coffee is acidic and some suggest that it should only be added to acid loving plants but then very few people would make coffee only to pour it on their plants. In fact, the acid is water soluble, so little remains in the used grounds which tend to have a pH of 6.5 to 6.8 . It is advised that grounds should be restricted to not  more than 20% of the  total compost volume. 

 Domestic quantities of used coffee grounds can be added directly to compost caddy, bin or   wormery.  If coffee filters are used there is no need to separate the grounds from the filter both can be added. Some suggest tearing the filter into strips, but this is quite messy if they contain  coffee grounds and I just put the wet filter and grounds straight into the kitchen caddy. 


Coffee Chaff

Coffee Chaff is the dried husk (skin)  of the coffee bean and is a waste product of the roasting process. This waste product  decomposes quickly when composted.

Chaff is lightweight and tends to blow over the garden  if used as a mulch,  but it mixes well with other organic material in the bin. The nitrogen content is slightly higher than that of coffee grounds. As they have a high C/N ratio during layered composting, small amounts  have been layered or mixed with or immediately above another  layer of greens such as manure or food waste which are rich in easily compostable nitrogen  into which they can be incorporated, followed by a layer of browns. If there are larger quantities, they could form their own green layers.   When the bin contents are turned to mix and aerate the material, the chaff will be distributed throughout the organic material.

26. Apr, 2020

Post a photo for Compost Awareness week

Composting Photos to celebrate Compost Awareness Week  2020

As it looks as if many of us will be locked down during Compost Week restricted to our gardens with “exercise”  visit to the allotment please join us in celebrating composting by sharing  a photo of your compost bin or allotment system.  It does not mater if you are a new to composting or an expert please share a photo of your system with us. Compost heaps, plastic and wooden bins, trenches and post holes,  bokashi and wormeries photos of all systems are welcome.  As we want to share the joy of composting with others, we ask that as a condition of taking part you agree to make the photo freely available to all to be used non-commercially to promote composting. Include your name for the photo credit. We will keep the event open during May and June.

Please post to Facebook Carry on Composting or email to carryoncomposting1@gmail.com

23. Apr, 2020

Composting Computer Games for kids plus Peppa Pig

We have now added links to composting and recycling computer games for kids. We will keep adding to the list as we are made aware of new games.

You may be unable to leave your home to celebrate Compost Awareness week but these might give children an interest in composting and occupy them for a few minutes. There are a number of pages containing more hands-on activities as well

18. Apr, 2020

Compost Awareness Week Activities for Kids at Home

International Compost Awareness Week 2020

 May 3 – 9, 2020

The goal of International Compost Awareness week is to build awareness on the benefits of compost use, composting, organics recycling and how compost can help with the environment through long-term sustainability and decreasing climate change. The theme for the 2020 Compost Awareness Week is  Soil Loves Compost. Composting keeps our soil happy and it keeps our planet healthy.

 Normally national events  include tours of compost facilities, compost workshops on allotments and community gardens, sessions on composting for schools, talks  to Garden Clubs and compost roadshows by local councils and compost bin offers.  Despite the difficult circumstances  this year  we can still work together to help get the message out to people and to help in suggestion activities for adults and children at home.  

CAW offers those already composting a chance to get help, advice and learn new techniques, whilst those who do not compost yet use the opportunity to check out composting websites and Facebook groups and our email contacts to get involved in composting  as a practical environmentally friendly activity which will improve their soil and help the environment as home composting organic waste also helps to significantly reduce carbon emissions

By composting  household organic and cardboard  waste, each of us can help reduce the amount of waste going to our landfill and turn the cardboard not being collected with the green garden waste to good use in improving the soil at home.

Carry on Composting is a Leicestershire based volunteer run website that promotes composting which will be featuring indoor and outdoor activities for children  in a special  Composting for Kids section.

Composting for kids   (ACAW Kids Composting)

This section contains ideas for compost related activities suitable for children at home it includes indoor and outdoor activities.  Kids and composting were meant for each other and they make excellent ambassadors for recycling, reducing waste and fighting climate change. Obviously as it can involve soil, plants, worms and water it can be mucky so will help encourage children to wash their hands during lockdown.

When choosing suitable  compost activities for kids, please make time to discuss what happens to the waste  that isn’t composted. The procedures differ between countries and counties/states so please check the local council (or equivalent) website.

More activities will be added weekly until  International Compost Awareness week  

If you have an activity that you would like added please email details to carryoncomposting1@gmail.com or send a link to webpage

17. Apr, 2020

International Compost Awareness Week Composting Photo

Celebrate International Compost Awareness Week 2020 and send us a photo of your composting

Both adults and children are invited to share with us on how you have supported Compost Awareness Week this year by sending us a photo of your compost at home, on the allotment  or community garden.

We will publish the best on carryoncomposting.com   

Send the photo to carryoncomposting1@gamil or the Facebook carry on composting page. Include details of the location and your age if under 16.